Level 3 Scissor Skills - Learning Outcomes & Assessment Criteria



Our Level 3 Endorsed Accreditation in Scissor Skills for is certified by the OCN Northern Ireland and the assessment process managed by the International Animal Care College.

You can read more about the value of the Level 3 certification here

The expected learning outcomes for this course and the criteria for assessment so that your certification can be awarded are detailed below:

Learning Outcomes & Assessment Criteria

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria
1: Understand the different scissor types used in Asian Fusion grooming

1.1 Summarise different scissor types used in grooming including:

a) Metal types and their quality

b) Blade types

c) The effects of blade width

d) Cleaning and storage methods

e) Maintenance and sharpening

f) Safety and handling points

2: Understand different scissoring techniques used in Asian Fusion grooming

2.1 Explain different scissoring techniques and what they are used for in grooming.


3. Be able to demonstrate different scissoring techniques used in Asian Fusion grooming.

3.1 Demonstrate different scissoring techniques used in Asian Fusion grooming to include:

a) Correct scissor holding

b) Using reverse scissors

c) The dustpan and brush method when scissoring

d) How to roll scissors to scissor efficiently

e) Safe handling, positioning, and use of restraints as required

4. Understand how to teach a dog to stand for Asian Fusion grooming

4.1 Explain how to teach a dog to stand for Asian Fusion grooming, to promote confidence and cooperation of the dog.


Assessment is designed to measure:

1: Your understanding of the course information

2: Your ability to demonstrate the scissoring techniques learned

Assessment takes place online via the My.Quals-Direct website and is managed by the International Animal Care College (IACC). Asian Fusion Grooming will enrol you as part of your course fee and you will be sent a link to access your student dashboard. Keep this safe until you are ready to take your assessment.

When you have completed the course material and you are ready to complete the assessment and gain your Accreditation you will be asked to:

1: Complete some short answer questions about your theory knowledge.

2: Upload some short videos of you demonstrating the several scissoring techniques.

Your tutor will assess these and feedback. When the assessment standard is reached you will be notified and the IACC will apply for your certificate from OCN NI which will then be sent to you to proudly display.

We are now full until January 2024. We will shortly be posting registration information to start this course in the New Year.

Please note: The course materials are made available immediately and as with all digital products, refunds do not apply and will not be made available.